Drink from life

Drink from life

You live such a busy life, yet with any moment spare, you fill it with a distraction, not willing to be alone with yourself. You were conditioned to always be thinking or doing, which means you’re being productive; rarely were you taught the necessity of being bored, of having downtime or experiencing true relaxation without a stimulant.

Is it any wonder the teenagers of today can often appear so sullen, their whole life revolves around a digital screen, living vicariously through other people’s stories or games, without creating their own life with purpose? The very things they used to alleviate boredom are developing numb minds, culling creativity and imagination and learning to abhor their own presence.

Many people keep themselves so extremely busy because they are terrified of being by themselves. The void between the potential of who they really are and how their lives are currently playing out is too vast, with no idea how to cross that chasm.

That’s when the seeking begins. The seeking of things, the desire to be fixed, to be told what to do, all the external distractions and stimulants in the hope of some level of fulfilment and happiness. if only we would learn to drink from life itself.

Nobody can write or tell your story for you.

You get to create a new chapter every day, designing your life. Will you continue to keep your head down in productivity, well can you come up for air smell the roses and realise the potentiality of aliveness all around you?

Once you learn to sip on the elixir of life force, allowing that to fuel your heart and connection, the desire for distraction dissipates. We are here to experience life through all our senses, not just the good times, the suffering as well. Yet those with the gift of the 56th gene key, enrichment, know the gold which lies beneath the shadow because they’ve been there. When devoted to this path, you become an Alchemist, transmuting lower frequencies of fear into the higher echelons of innate power.

Their high-level communication skills enable the sharing of sharing stories of inspiration and transformation, to the right people at the right time. Stimulating expansive thinking and infinite possibilities creates the powerful emotional energy which generates evolution and growth.

The ultimate intoxication is love, found through the love of life and the interaction with it. Many choose to be intoxicated to numb the pain within their minds and bodies, and yet if they were willing to look and feel through everything with the frequency of love, freedom from the pain awaits. Not many will walk that path unless forced to, yet we all have a choice, a self-responsibility, to make the most of our own lives. It’s time to rewrite the future chapters of your book. Let them be fuelled with real experiences, truthful feelings, from a place of authenticity. Set down your distractions, make different choices, and take stock of the real world and frequency of life which permeates everything.

Drink from life itself, it awaits.

Josephine Sorciere is The Mystic Sherpa enriching peoples lives through powerful visualisations and energy activations. To encode back to a beautiful life, consider deep diving into gate 56.

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