The Gene Keys offer a range of self-study courses through The Golden Path of your Blueprint profile. These are ideal when you are ready to explore your potentiality on your own. They each go into depth in the relevant sequences, including the line numbers, meditations, audios and other resources. Each course is tailored to your Blueprint.
Allow plenty of time for each of the Gene Keys courses to contemplate and percolate. The Gene Keys are far more than acquiring the knowledge of who you are, the transmission needs to be an embodied experience.
You may like to give yourself the experience of the higher realms of frequency in a Blueprint Ignition session with Josephine. This gives you the visceral taste and feel of what it’s like to be living through your Gifts and Siddhi’s. She also offers 1-1 guidance through the sequences for a completely personal immersion and frequency embodiment. These can be discussed at the end of your Ignition session.
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