Switch on your innate intelligence
The brighter and more intellectual you are, the less you can freely access innate intelligence. Your IIQ as I call it is a measure of the wisdom and knowing switched on from within, that cannot be measured, quantified or proven by facts. These are concepts made by man to help define the limitations of the small mind.
Knowledge is theory until lived, learnt from others. Wisdom is what is contained inside, you know what you know but you don’t know how you know it. It is gained by being present, switching on your awareness, and developing discernment between truth and illusion.
Drop the superiority complex
Once you learn how to filter out the dross of conditioning to suit someone else’s agenda, you open the pathways to the higher intelligence of nature. So many intellectuals are under the false illusion they are on the path to fully understanding and controlling nature, usually driven by profit, often accompanied by a good dose of corruption and greed behind the scenes.
Modern-day humanity is running a superiority complex based on its intellectual capacity. This isn’t a direct correlation with the diminishing connection to the heart and the true nature, to the innate wisdom of the world and of the Higher Self.
It is imperative that awakening happens en masse, that people learn how to discern between truth and delusion and to find precision in their findings. The fear about life is a construct of the mind; how much freedom could arise if we simply broke down the structures that created the fear in the first place?
Genius cannot be certified
The pure intellectuals obsessed with accruing vast amounts of knowledge and data are cutting themselves off from a pearl of far more profound wisdom available. Your IIQ flows from the universal mind. Geniuses have direct access to the coding and frequency, conveyed through their unique expression. They do not question it, they are simply a vessel for the impeccable resonance of truth and purity. When their minds get in the way and they try to figure out where this comes from, the process of collapse into shadow arises.
The intellect of the greatest doctors or scientists will never fathom this connection. It is the mystery of life, unexplainable and lies beyond the remit of the modern world obsessed with facts, figures and proof.
I have two degrees and worked in blue chip corporates in the UK for 10 years. Not an ounce of that knowledge holds a candle to the wisdom and innate intelligence which arose when I simply let it all go. When I immersed myself in self-discovery of what the real purpose of life is, my long-held desire for my intellect to buy me security in the form of a job and houses simply dissipated. I realized what an illusion it was.
Illuminate your heart
When the brightest sparks on this planet start illuming their heart and soul rather than their minds, the world will glow far more brightly. Shining a radiance of purity and purpose, inspiring others to switch their potential on. What really lights you up from the inside are the aha moments of self-realization, not a whole load of facts to expand your proof of something. That simply feeds your ego.
Your heart is hungry. It’s time to nourish your innate intelligence.
Josephine Sorciere is the Mystic Sherpa switching the lights back on in those ready to awaken. It’s time to illuminate your true nature and not your ego. Make your growth eternal.
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