
Gate 2 Femininity



The Transformational Way of the 2nd Gene Key moves from Dislocation to Unity by way of Orientation. The dilemma of Agenda.
We’re here to switch on the willingness to receive the fullness of life, because we love and trust the flow, in union with all that is.   Read more


Gate 2 Femininity – Reorient to Life


Feeling lost and disoriented in your own life is simply an indication of your own willingness to connect to the real essence of your own nature. You think you know better than life itself and a clutching on at anything to remain in control.

In doing so you cut off the flow of life, detached from the divine feminine essence that runs through all of us, no matter your gender. The energy of allowance, surrender, connexion. Where your heart and intuition leads the way, led by your Higher Self who is not shackled by the constraints of your limiting mind.

You yearn to find where your home is

Always looking for something outside yourself. If only you would turn within and connect deeply within your own heart, you would find all that you need waiting for you.

Instead, you play the game of distraction and busyness.  Living by the conditioning where you were told that not doing anything is lazy and unproductive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Who you be determines what you do, which determines what you have. Always in that order.

Until you learn to relax into the support of life – you are the vessel for life force – you will remain disoriented, not sure of your direction. You have forgotten how to receive. Again, we are taught that we must earn our right to be given something – always conditional. Value and service in exchange for a payment of some kind.

Give with no agenda

Read more here on Gate 2 Femininity…..
