
Gate 20 Presence


The Transformational Way of the 20th Gene Key moves from Superficiality to Presence by the Way of Self-Assurance.  The dilemma of self-awareness.  We’re here to contemplate our true nature and role on the world, by being present to what is.

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Gate 20 Presence

Your busyness will always remain an excuse for not being with yourself. I mean fully present, not doing anything, other than contemplating your role in life. For if you did, you would feel accountable for not following your purpose and passion, and life is just too complicated to follow your heart. Right?

Until you have the willingness to explore your inner life, your outer life will never change.

Many people are absent from their own lives, drifting along oblivious to what’s really going on around them, mesmerized by the screen, or the sound of their inner voice silenced by the noise of life. There comes a time when we all must stop, take a pause, and become really present with what is, even if we don’t like it. Especially when we don’t.

When you have those moments of silence, do you feel them with forward planning and worrying? What scares you so much about just being? Without a thought, without a judgment, simply being. The sound of silence terrifies most, conditioned to fill every second with something. Relaxation comes from doing things we enjoy, we have lost the art of doing nothing and being bored, especially our younger generation.

It is imperative to master the art of dropping out of our minds and into our bodies, to feel what’s going on in and around us. When you believe that your mind is the authority for your life, that your thoughts must dictate your actions, you continue to limit yourself to the real experience of life by trying to retain constant control.

Your mind is not designed to be an authority.

Who are you to think you know more than the Universe?

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