
Gate 23 The Essence


The Transformational Way of the 23rd Gene Key moves from Complexity to Quintessence by way of simplicity. The dilemma of timing and accumulation. We are here to simplify our lives and minds, distilling down truth to reveal your inner beauty. Read more




Gate 23 The Essence

Your over-complicated life weighs heavy on your shoulders, burdened by the responsibility you were conditioned to believe was your duty to have #allthethings. A real sense of freedom can never arise when you are tied to debt simply to live, that’s why your annual holiday Is an escape from your reality. Yet it is one you would be petrified of living all the time. You have no idea what your essence of life is.

Who would you be to design your life on your terms? What would people say? Where’s the security in that?

Most of humanity lives with this dilemma. Accumulating Big Things to show their worth, to keep a stable roof over their heads. That is, until interest rates rise, until redundancy comes until sickness hits. Then a whole new layer of complexity arrives.

Read more here on Gate 23 The Essence….
