
Gate 52 Stillness


The Transformational Way of the 52nd Gene Key moves from stress to stillness by way of restraint. The dilemma of shallow breathing. Start slowing down and connecting to the power of your breath to drive your life.

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Gate  52 Stillness

You cannot comprehend what your life would be like without stress, you thrive on it. At some level your addiction to the adrenaline rush fuels you to just keep going, yet you know a breakdown is inevitable. What are you doing to stop the tidal wave of exhaustion when it hits?

The answer can only come when you slow down throughout your day, connecting deeply to your breath and coming back into rhythm with your true nature. Humanity runs on the belief that time is running out, that there’s an urgency to everything, and that you must just keep doing, trying to find the solution and fix the problem.

Compared to how we are conditioned to just keep active and think about the way forward, it is a paradox many find hard to grasp that the less we think and do, the easier solutions arise. If children were taught the power of their breath, how to connect deeply to their bodies, and to understand the intrinsic relationship between body and mind, many of today’s modern ailments would simply dissipate.

Yet their parents do not lead by example. Rushing around from one responsibility to the next, collapsing in the easy chair at the end of the day to be numbed out and entertained by whatever’s on the TV, often with a tipple of choice in hand. Could home life be different if they witnessed the mother taking a long bath at the end of a busy day, or their father sitting down to doodle and sketch while some classical music played?

Embrace your natural rhythm

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