
Gate 63 curiosity


The Transformational Way of the 63rd Gene Key moves from Doubt to Truth and it’s the Way of Enquiry. The dilemma of logic. Move out of the logical brain and doubt, opening your mind with curiosity, start looking within for your innate knowing. Read more


Gate 63 curiosity

Doubt is born when you lose touch with the wonder of imagination. When you operate from your logical mind, You are driven by organised thinking. The nature of the left brain is deeply suspicious of its counterpart the right brain, whereas the right brain (feminine) puzzles over all the questioning…

Doubt is a positive force, driving evolution forward as we learn to question everything. The issue is the constant mental pressure which we all seek to be free from, caused by a need for certainty which is held in place by beliefs or values. The thing is, there is no answer to our doubt. Yet our anxiety serves evolution as our brain evolves to keep searching for the answers.

When doubt serves genuine inquiry it becomes creative, but once made personal or internalised, it becomes destructive. It either becomes a projection onto someone or something outside it collapses inward and becomes self-doubt.

Read more here on Gate 63 Curiosity….
