
Wandering Enrichment


Wandering Enrichment is the memoir of Josephine’s four-month journey back to England, weaving in the wisdom of the Gene Keys at each step of the way.


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“Go to England and write a book of your many adventures,” was the directive Josephine heard. Returning to her home country after 23 years, it was time to see Blighty through fresh eyes. Wandering Enrichment recounts the unfolding story of life when you put your trust in it completely.  With little more planned than 11 housesits over 16 weeks, all it takes is an open heart and mind.


Josephine Life’s Work as defined by the Gene Keys is Enrichment and she used this opportunity to really live lightly, inspiring others to take a leap of faith and do the same. Josephine introduces concepts and tools to discover what you are here for. She weaves the story through the flavours of frequency at play, to open your awareness of how you show up in your life.

The book provides unique insight into a life of freedom and practical application of wisdom. Josephine shares her enriching experiences, challenges, history and friendships along the way. Landscapes, buildings and culture are brought alive. Moments that could never be planned, igniting memories from a far-distant past.


Wandering Enrichment stirs the pot of possibility for enjoying life whatever it brings. To live in trust, not fear, with authenticity, not restriction. It provides the Gateway into Josephine’s world, leading people back to the truth of who they really are and encoding next-level brilliance, through frequency, not mindset.

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Book Type

Paperback, E-book
