The Discoverer
When you open your mind to move beyond your deep-seated opinions, a new vista of far-sightedness arises. It’s time to leave behind the dogmatic righteousness of your old timeline and crack open the portal of possibility. Become The Discoverer of a new vista.
Can you feel into the power that lies in the unseen? Move beyond your requirement of requiring proof to form your opinion, which could well be out of alignment with your own truth, and trust in the bigger picture that unfolds out of view.
Very few are willing to find their way in the dark, to drop their rigid approach to life, to start trusting their instincts that something much bigger is really at play.
Discover what lies beyond, when you open your heart to new perspectives.
Join me on a journey through Gene Key 17 in the Gateway. open your imagination and encode your sense of being through the powerful activation of your own truth.
The adventure awaits in the space for emergence beyond contemplation, of DNA encoding and sustainable higher frequencies.
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