Allow Stillness to Blow your Sails of Life
You cannot comprehend what your life would be like without stress, you thrive on it. At some level your addiction to the adrenaline rush fuels you to just keep going, yet you know a breakdown is inevitable. What are you doing to stop the tidal wave of exhaustion when it hits?
The answer can only come when you slow down throughout your day, connecting deeply to your breath and coming back into rhythm with your true nature. Humanity runs on the belief that time is running out, that there’s an urgency to everything, and that you must just keep doing, trying to find the solution and fix the problem.
Compared to how we are conditioned to just keep active and think about the way forward, it is a paradox many find hard to grasp that the less we think and do, the easier solutions arise. If children were taught the power of their breath, how to connect deeply to their bodies, and to understand the intrinsic relationship between body and mind, many of today’s modern ailments would simply dissipate.
Yet their parents do not lead by example. Rushing around from one responsibility to the next, collapsing in the easy chair at the end of the day to be numbed out and entertained by whatever’s on the TV, often with a tipple of choice in hand. Could home life be different if they witnessed the mother taking a long bath at the end of a busy day, or their father sitting down to doodle and sketch while some classical music played?
Embrace your natural rhythm
We are not taught the imperative nature of stillness, how to just be it seems we are programmed to have the on button on all the time until we can do no more. What happened to switching our internal mechanisms to on and off as required, to be in tune with their natural rhythms, to work with the ebbs and flows of life?
Guilt arises when we’re not fully seeking the solutions, yet how can they possibly arise from the same place as the mind created them from? And so we get stuck on the eternal mouse wheel, waiting for some cataclysmic event to fling us off and take a check on reality. Often a health crisis, that we could have seen coming if we’d simply listened to our body rather than numb the pain through medication.
It is of little wonder people seek escapism through their devices, it allows them to stop at some level. Yet instead of going within they just keep staring at the little screen, hoping for some relief. Or they may go searching for a magic pill to alleviate the pain they could never admit to others.
Change is the only certainty
It’s time we remembered a level of restraint; to stop the habits that suck the life out of us and focus instead on the bigger picture which we are moving towards, even if unknown. The only certain thing in life is change, most are terrified of that. Record levels of stress are at an all-time high; not only from the last few years of lockdowns and enforced governance, and also looking ahead to the future with a new reality based on AI. It’s beyond comprehension, and their heartbeat is rising to their throat, pounding the tones of stress loudly in their ears. What will happen to the future?
Until individuals learn to trust in the flow of life itself and whatever unfolds, they will always put their power outside themselves. The simplest place to start is to come back to the breath, to the heart, and question how can they be in service to the bigger picture of the world and humanity. How can they crack open their own vessel with love?
It’s time to steer the ship of your own life to a new harbour. Learn to ride the waves, and when to take safe haven in your heart, which cannot be left when you simply run out of fuel. Take time throughout your day to connect into the real you, through your breath, going inwards rather than being externally driven all the time.
Put down the anchor and take comfort in the stillness of just being. Rest deeply in the solace of trusting life, however terrifying it is. Learn to find the power of the present moment through your breath. Next-level solutions will only arise from your heart, start leaving the stressful mind behind and find the power through your Being to create your life as you choose and not what is dictated to you.
Allow Stillness to Blow Your Sails of Life. Find the power of your breath. Bon voyage.
Let the Mystic Sherpa guide your into the haven of your heart, with a powerful Activation and Consideration to embody the energies of Gate 52 Stillness.
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