The Gene Keys offer a range of self-study courses through The Golden Path of your Blueprint profile. These are ideal when you are ready to explore your potentiality on your own. They each go into depth in the relevant sequences, including the line numbers, meditations, audios and other resources. Each course is tailored to your Blueprint.


Allow plenty of time for each of the Gene Keys courses to contemplate and percolate. The Gene Keys are far more than acquiring the knowledge of who you are, the transmission needs to be an embodied experience.


You may like to give yourself the experience of the higher realms of frequency in a Blueprint Ignition session with Josephine. This gives you the visceral taste and feel of what it’s like to be living through your Gifts and Siddhi’s. She also offers 1-1 guidance through the sequences for a completely personal immersion and frequency embodiment. These can be discussed at the end of your Ignition session.


For disclosure, as a Gene Keys Guide, I do earn an affiliate commission when you use my links. I would greatly appreciate you doing so.



A free mini-course delivered over three days, including resource and audio files for your spheres of Purpose, SQ and Culture. This will give you a taste of the Gene Keys and an introduction to their philosophies, the Hologenetic Profile and the Golden Path.

Gene Keys Activation Sequence



The Activation Sequence is the perfect introduction to understanding your Gene Keys profile. The self-study course helps you awaken your four Prime Gifts, personalised to your Blueprint. Discover your shadow, gifts and potential and how to move through to higher frequency. Learn how to transform your challenges through contemplation and awareness.



A deep inner journey to opening your heart. The Venus Sequence guides you through the layers of your subconscious back to when you were born, helping you to recognise and transcend childhood patterns. It has the power to revolutionise your relationships, especially the one with yourself. Discover how your Core Wound is the greatest gift of service to the whole.

Gene Keys Pearl Sequence



The Pearl Sequence reveals the underlying simplicity of how to truly prosper in your life without having to chase success. Learn how to create the flow as you engage in your natural wisdom and apply it to all areas of your life. Embody your personal brand with power and elegance in your business and daily life.


The upcoming global Pearl Sequence Online Retreat starts on April  2nd 2024. The four-month journey of weekly live events accompanies the Pearl Sequence course itself. You can purchase the course separately.

Gene Keys The Art of Contemplation



A simple introduction to the technique at the core of the Gene Keys. Learn how to bring the magic of contemplation to every corner of your life, creating spaciousness calm and clarity. It is available as a course or a book and contains 20 simple techniques to help cultivate your own practice.

Gene Keys Dream Arc



Using animal symbolism and creativity, learn how to transfer information fluidly between the realms of sleeping and waking. It helps you root out hidden fears and unconscious blocks, so more of your True Nature can shine through.



A new body of work will be released January 2025, taking your life to a deeper level of harmony between your inner and outer life. It adds a new layer to your Profile with three new spheres and maps your frequency on the new Spectrum of Life Harmonics.

Gene Keys Guides



If you feel called to share and guide others through the mystical landscapes of the Gene Keys, consider becoming a Guide. The course provides all the skills and experience necessary, along with your creative freedom, to develop a flourishing business with the Gene Keys.

Take your time considering each course, ensuring you can commit in time and transformation to each. They are incredibly powerful.


The option for support, additional guidance, accountability and energetic DNA encoding is always available with Josephine. All journeys start with the Blueprint Ignition or Initiation.


Enjoy the journey and I look forward to being your Mystic Sherpa.