The Transformational Way of the 25th Gene Key moves from Constriction to Universal Love and it’s the Way of Acceptance. The dilemma of anxiety. This is a hub key whose theme is love, and our journey to remember it. We cannot think our way out of anxiety. Read more
It’s time to remove the constriction of your mind, suffocating you with your own non-acceptance.
Why do you continue to deny the deep pain lodged in your heart?
When you can open up your willingness to look directly into the eyes of the very thing you are refusing to see, your heart cracks open with a balm of love, ready to transmute the triggers. To dissolve those shackles, to start afresh with liberation.
Simply because you have accepted the responsibility you have for creating the pain in the first place.
Cut yourself free from the tightness of the heart, barricading to keep the love you need out. Soften through acceptance, and return to the Universal Love held within your Soul.