Altruism not Agenda
Lack of purpose in your life can be seen by your level of selfishness. You are so busy trying to find fulfilment by bringing everything to you, your heart has closed up to feeling the expansive nature found through loving humanity.
When you start living into what you’re really here for, portals of potency for real connexion crack open. No longer subservient to the shackles of your limited mind, preoccupied with your own problems. By stepping into self-responsibility to consider life beyond your peripheries, you empower others to do the same when the gift of giving is greatly received.
On the other hand, you may be giving yourself away so freely as you wear your People Pleaser badge with honour, you wonder why you feel like a doormat. Taking on other people’s problems denies them the opportunity for self-growth. It’s the paradox of selfishness. By letting others step up into ownership because you say no, you’re opening the door in the most selfless manner for them to choose to walk through.
All humans are wired for altruism, to be kind and considerate to others, giving freely and joyfully from the heart, without being taken advantage of. Many think philanthropy is only for the rich, the most valuable thing you can give is your time to those who could do with your inspiration. Being a pillar of the community for the sheer joy of it can be one of the most rewarding things we can do when boundaries are in place to avoid over-exertion, or playing the martyr.
Altruism, not agenda.
Are you the shark or the dolphin? Preoccupied with self or operate with the pod mind? The latter lays the foundations for the future of humanity when we work together in collaboration, not competition. Through selfless acts and not greed and fear.
To what extent do you give without expectation of anything in return, without an agenda? Perhaps it’s donating to your local thrift shop, or favourite charity, or throwing a few coins into the hat of a busker. Is there something you could do for your local community, an elderly neighbour Will support emergency relief work in some way?
Random acts of kindness for strangers also lift your level of altruism. “Just doing your bit” with a smile goes a very long way to opening a connexion with a stranger that you’re unlikely to meet again. When your intention is coming from the heart, do not be concerned with its political correctness. If someone takes issue, that’s their stuff, not yours. Own what you are willing to contribute for nothing in return. Set the example for future generations.
For it is the children that desperately need to be shown by example what it is to be kind and loving to those around us. To be considerate, mindful and observant. Good manners don’t cost anything, as I’m sure you were taught growing up. In a world where people are scared to look one another in the eye, a meaningful smile goes a long way for those isolated.
Doing a good deed for the day
There are so many things that we can do to lift how we connect to the rest of the world, beyond a blinkered, selfish perspective. Is it time to lift your head, and take stock of the world around you? What else could you do to make a micro shift in how you feel, and how others feel when you make a simple human connexion?
Perhaps you might like to take a fun challenge – do a good deed every day, anonymously. Open a door, let someone cut in the traffic with a smile, empty the dishwasher at work or home. Anything will you do not require an acknowledgement for your actions. This reminds your heart of the simplicity yet power of giving and receiving unconditionally. I promise you will feel good about yourself.
Each little step helps sustain a higher vibration of living, to live on purpose, out of lack and selfishness and into embracing your role for the evolvement of humanity itself.
To purchase the Deep Dive Consideration and Activation for Gene Key The Altruistic, click the button:
Josephine Sorciere creates powerful Considerations and Activations every week for the 64 Facets of Frequency Contained within our DNA. It is the fast track to up levelling your awareness into higher ways of living. It’s time to claim your higher purpose and express in the world as uniquely as you are designed for.
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