Be Curious
Doubt is born when you lose touch with the wonder of imagination. When you operate from your logical mind, You are driven by organised thinking. The nature of the left brain is deeply suspicious of its counterpart the right brain, whereas the right brain (feminine) puzzles over all the questioning…
Doubt is a positive force, driving evolution forward as we learn to question everything. The issue is the constant mental pressure which we all seek to be free from, caused by a need for certainty which is held in place by beliefs or values. The thing is, there is no answer to our doubt. Yet our anxiety serves evolution as our brain evolves to keep searching for the answers.
When doubt serves genuine inquiry it becomes creative, but once made personal or internalised, it becomes destructive. It either becomes a projection onto someone or something outside it collapses inward and becomes self-doubt.
Self-doubt undermines the individual from trusting in his or her own inherent creativity. If you share your concerns with others, they may help to dissipate it, or for you to embrace it and allow it to move. Do not take forced or premature action when in self-doubt.
The 63rd Gene Key shadow is the root of scientific thinking, used to construct a false logical reality that gives the mind answers to the doubt. This forms dogma and opinion, how to stop the curious mind from asking questions.
Our minds and logic are a paradox
No single answer can ever satisfy it, the only one defies logic. The human mind will manufacture certainty if it can’t find it. This is how all dogmas and rigid systems are born, the illusions are programmed.
Internalised, self-doubt is based upon comparison; it is only destructive when we identify with it and believe its propaganda. This creates rigid beliefs and anxiety.
Alternatively, it can be externally projected into the world and becomes suspicion. It morphs into anger and is taken out on others. A continual wave of destruction, for when met with a defensive response, your mind interprets that as the suspicions are true.
We can move into the gift by being open to inquiry, leading to deeper levels of understanding and complexity – what will you learn in the process? There is no such thing a scientific truth, it is never fixed, and inquiry has to always remain open.
Turn within for the answers
As you awaken the nature of your inquiry changes, eventually turning within. Your divine doubt drives you to follow a spiritual path in the first place as you long to inquire into your true nature. You start to realise that all humans are full of self-doubt, we are all made equal in this suffering.
The primary doubt always remains that of your own existence. At our core, we want to know who and what we really are. Yet we still try to analyse through logic, though eventually, it must cancel itself out, moving towards unity.
The Siddhi (the highest frequency) of the 63 is Truth, which may only be reached in a position of surrender. Yet doubt is Truth. Not what your questioning spirit wants to hear. However, one must always move towards the mystery of the feminine. Logic has no relationship to truth, the logical mind can only operate in a dualistic world.
Surrender into Truth
Divine doubt arises when we let go of our identity within space and time when we truly enter the Void. Feel the playfulness of the Gene Keys as a logical system that doesn’t take itself seriously and frequently plays with paradox, allowing the flow. The inquiry prompted by each of the 64 facets open the door to curiosity and truth.
To really immerse in Truth, one must be fully surrendered and relaxed, where we rest in the truth of consciousness. It just is, there is nothing that is not truth. Its meaning is beyond words.
When you give yourself rest from worrying, you move closer to remembering Truth. To once again find your natural state without complexity or concern. It is the eternal moment of the Universe. Always be curious.
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