Become the Dynamist
Your natural response when provoked speaks volumes about the level of fear running through your veins. Until you master the stance of the warrior and emotional neutrality, you remain a sitting target to be knocked off your perch of indignance that you have every right to respond in that way to something that triggers you.
Your unspoken anger festers within, waiting for an opportunity to be unleashed in a torrent of angry words, an explosion of reactive energy. What if you were to use that fuel and power to charge your own dynamism and creative response in an area that you love? Your soul is running on empty, the tank is depleted for however long you stay trapped in the fear of taking ownership.
Reignite the flame
It is time to reignite those flames within, to unleash the unspoken and unique creativity that lies dormant. Channelling your energy into something positive which you love doing is far more productive to create life your way than to leave it languishing, waiting for release in an angry explosion. Become the dynamist of potential.
All those years as a child you were told to suppress who you really are has added to the storage of inbuilt anger and rage and your inability for self-expression. Once you start journeying within and really looking in the eye of the pain, those traits can start to be transmuted.
Slowly, the scent of your genius creeps through the crevices of your creativity, wafting into a new aroma of life. People can no longer smell the fear on you, they no longer sense the anger bubbling underneath the surface, being careful about what they say.
Blow up your blocks
As always it is about you taking the proactive steps with your own dynamic life force to dissolve the conditioning that has you trapped. Who you are is not what was defined as a child, break free of those labels and control, it’s time to show the world who you really are. Become the Dynamist and start exploding aliveness into your life in a whole different way.
Use that pent-up energy within you to blow up the blockages within that you’re finally ready to face. Clear the drains of your own emotions and allow the life force to flow freely through your veins once more, just as it did as an unrestrained child. You have the choice to release yourself now, destroying the conditionality of your youth and creating real space for your own expression once again.
A true warrior of life is willing to die the death of their own human construct. To break down the masks of identities bestowed upon them by others, until they are left in their raw, vulnerable nakedness, shining in their own brilliance. Unquestionable ownership. If who you really are causes a stir within others, it is merely self-directed provocation within their mind. A reflection of the anger of not being able to find their unique expression.
Liberation comes when you freely speak your truth
You can bluntly deliver truth when asked without any care or concern to how it is received, simply because it comes with love and compassion, not wrapped up in emotion. You offer it forward to help cut the ties that bind the blinkers of illusion held by others. It is up to them how deeply they are willing to surrender, to finally break free from the emotional response when provoked.
Mastering this level of liberation cracks open the path to real freedom.
Be the life force of dynamic flow to create your life as art, focusing on what you do want. This naturally dissipates the aeons of anger stored within. You no longer have to wait for a reason to explode, you harness the power of that energy into fueling your passions.
How greatly could your life shift if you simply changed your focus and moved out of reaction?
it is your choice. Become the Dynamist.
To activate the catalyst of your own transformation, take a deep dive into gene key 39 and unleash your own dynamism and creative force.
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