Creative Initiative
The squirming of agitation you have around your life can only be transmuted through your own creative initiative. By continuing to run a not-so-quiet hum of anxiety in your belly, fearing you will never obtain anything more than a mediocre and boring life, you keep in place the resistance to your own freedom.
When you learn how to channel that pent-up energy into your own initiation into greater life, everything can transform almost immediately. when are you going to get out of your own way and take ownership of your unique self-expression?
For that is the key to the shackles of your mind and repression, the kick-starter to pull you out of your shell and take a stand for what you’re really here for. Do not stay on the path of a slow death to boredom, you’re simply denying the power you have drastically change your corner of the world.
Push open the door to the gateway and find your way back to your own heart. Take the creative initiative and create your life, your way, as only you can.
To purchase the Deep Dive Consideration and Activation for Gene Key The Initiator, click the button:
For a deep consideration and Activation of your own power to transmute angst in life into creative initiative – the energies of GK 51, I invite you to join me in the Gateway. Profound levels of revelation and transformation are unfurling in the kinship.
A space for emergence beyond contemplation, of DNA encoding and sustainable higher frequencies. A place of embodiment and ownership, waiting for you to claim.
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