Your essence of Life
Your over-complicated life weighs heavy on your shoulders, burdened by the responsibility you were conditioned to believe was your duty to have #allthethings. A real sense of freedom can never arise when you are tied to debt simply to live, that’s why your annual holiday Is an escape from your reality. Yet it is one you would be petrified of living all the time. You have no idea what your essence of life is.
Who would you be to design your life on your terms? What would people say? Where’s the security in that?
Most of humanity lives with this dilemma. Accumulating Big Things to show their worth, to keep a stable roof over their heads. That is, until interest rates rise, until redundancy comes until sickness hits. Then a whole new layer of complexity arrives.
Perhaps when life throws you a curveball, maybe it’s time to use it to smash down some of your preconceived ideas of what’s really important. In all your busyness, how much time do you spend doing the things you love with people you love? Too few people prioritise the importance of simplistic living, thinking they’ll have time for it when they retire.
There’s so much going on in your life, you have forgotten your real purpose. Is it time to cull back on all the things unnecessary, giving you spaciousness in your mind, heart and time?
Pack a suitcase of the Intangibles
If you suddenly had to leave home, I’m sure with a few minutes of planning, you could pack a suitcase with the bare essentials. What if you created a suitcase in your mind to carry all the things that are truly important on the inside, all the intangibles? Your health, a sense of peace and happiness, your connection with your loved ones. Despite everything that could be taken from you, you still have you. And the Universe will always have your back. If only you would stop and listen, to accept this wisdom and trust it deeply, you too would KNOW this.
By spending some time in consideration of what is truly important, you whittle your life down to things you could not live without. Above all, when you know the true essence of what lies in your heart and soul, what makes you uniquely you, that is all you need to recreate your life with a sense of fulfilment at any time.
Change the currency of the world
When humanity starts to realise the imperative nature of this calling home to their own truth, to what they’re coded for, the hunger for all the externalities will dissipate. Community and family will rise once again; care, consideration and love are simple, we all have the capacity for them. It’s time to change the currency of the world.
Become The Alchemist of your own life, creating the secret sauce of fulfilment by KNOWING yourself and fully owning it. Let the path of insight lead you back home, to where your heart is. Free of baggage, carrying nothing but your true nature. Find your essence of life.
To purchase the Deep Dive Consideration and Activation for Gene Key The Essence, click the button:
Josephine Sorciere is leading an intimate group through a deep-dive exploration of each of the gene keys. Gate 23, The Essence, is live May 10-May 14. You are invited to the Gateway and open up the essence of you. visit www.thegatewayfrequency.com to fast-track up levelling your awareness into higher ways of living through DNA encoding and Activation.
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