Illuminate the road ahead
Enough with the love and light. It’s time for powerful illumination.
Where your inner radiance shines so strongly, it beams the focus on the areas of confusion and shadows you’ve been unwilling to admit. If only we could put the urgency of the mind aside, allow the space and percolation for the new to arise, the flow of clarity would naturally bubble up.
Your solar plexus is designed as a cauldron of transformation, your mind’s only job is to hold the parameters of your own container so alchemy can occur in the depth of your being. Yet most people have been conditioned to believe the mind is where magic is made. It could not be more wrong.
Your brain contains so many filters, loopholes and fears causing the shadows to flit around like moths getting burnt against your natural brilliance. Instead of focusing on the light to reinforce the potentiality, you revert inwards to search urgently for an answer, a solution, a reason.
Hence all the confusion.
You thought you’d done the right thing, planned it all out, took consistent action.
Genius hates consistency.
It won’t bother getting out of bed from within your heart if it thinks it must be subservient to the systems and structures you believe you require to control what it is you are creating.
Yawn. Your deepest potential won’t bother finding the light for that, it has no desire to fight with your mind which clings tightly to the shackles of conditioning.
It is only when you are ready to lay down the gauntlet and see what you’re really made of, that patience, trust and inner knowing come to the forefront and take the driver’s seat for a while. Putting your vehicle in cruise control, admiring the view with no impatience for the traffic jam caused by the blockades in your head.
Your Higher Self knows that when its lights are on full beam, illuminating all aspects of the path, the correct direction will naturally be made known to you. It need not stop and relentlessly check the map, “oh, which way shall I turn? Perhaps I should never have started this journey? What if I have to backtrack? What if my fellow travellers don’t show up, what if I run out of petrol?”
All this type of mental chatter feeds the confusion of your mind, once again running on the hamster wheel, not sure when you’ll be launched off to get going again.
What would it take for you to park your mind for a little while, allow your luminescence to keep watch for all the opportunities, for clarity to arrive? Illuminate the road ahead.
With your willingness to create a space in your mind, your imagination can fire up.
“Everything you can imagine is real”
as Pablo Picasso once said. His genius flow created the greatest works of art, concepts not thought of by the mind. His presence of artistry allowed unique self-expression, his inner genius was not concerned with what people thought. (Although his mind may have been troubled over this, that’s not what created the art….)
If you believe that confusion is consistent and part and parcel of your life, then perhaps consider if it’s time to break down the safety net of control. Even when it’s the behaviour of thought we don’t like, the familiarity of that, the consistency of it, comforts you and makes you feel safe.
When you start to recognise this, that’s the gateway to the inner alchemical process to finally transmute the conditioning and welcome in the natural chaos of life. For out of this void, when you can still your mind and action for long enough, your imagination will conjure up the best path for you. Provide ideas you hadn’t considered, calling in the resources you didn’t know were available, and bringing you the clients that adore your creativity.
End the confusion
Next time you find yourself in a state of confusion and overwhelm, be aware you have a choice.
Will you try to find your way in the dark around the labyrinth of your mind, desperately searching for a light switch of any kind?
Or will you stop and simply put your own inner light of your heart and soul on, the powerful illumination contained within, that will light your way to your fullest potentiality when you submit to your genius frequencies waiting to emerge?
The light that is not afraid of seeing the shadows.
For it knows its power to transmute them.
The choice is always yours in the moment of awareness. Illuminate the road ahead.
Josephine Sorciere, The Mystic Sherpa, illuminates the path for extraordinary people to find the next level of brilliance. When you feel it’s time to get out of the dark, to move out of denial, feel free to follow her pathway and crack the code of your own enigma.
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