Rip off the masks
Your authentic self is unwilling to appear until you rip off the masks of vanity wedged so firmly on your psyche. You have the choice to continue living in the shallow boredom of your life or begin to dive deep within and reveal the treasures held within your heart.
You long to be able to discern what’s fact and fiction in life and others. Yet this will never happen until you discriminate between your head and your heart running the show. When you fully embrace the power of your divinity accessible through the portal of your heart, you start speaking and recognizing the truth a mile off. All sense of aloneness dissipates.
Break down the filters keeping you at bay from others, the mainstay of the illusion that you are separate from them. The heart wall in place must begin to crumble if you are to access your authenticity. The part of you that is yearning to run free with its true, creative expression. With all the power, drama and emotion which fills your life as art. Once you begin to allow life fully in, you end the pain threshold of keeping the potential out.
Run free with your authenticity. Speak the truth.
How liberating would it be to speak the blunt truth when required, with little concern for how it is received, knowing it is fueled by the purity of your own heart? Anyone that questions your words which are spoken from your heart and not your mind is being triggered by their inability to face the truth. That is not your responsibility.
What a gift you give them, cracking them open with your insightful wisdom. Those words have the power to transform, it is always up to the other whether they take this opportunity or remain closed to conscious awareness.
It must always start with you. Be honest with yourself; has your spiritual ego put you on a pedestal, feeling more evolved and therefore worthy than others? Do you feel smug about how far you’ve come, and look back in disdain at those who slumber? Spiritual egoic vanity is no better than those who love the masks they wear.
Cut the hierarchical claptrap by radiating your truth, authenticity and inner power for all to see. Not because you wish to elicit a response, “Look at me and how super I am”. You do so because it is the most natural heartfelt vibration you wish to radiate as you create your life as art.
Let all of life in
You no longer care what others think, you purely emote what flushes through your veins. This is not about becoming a drama queen, where your ego is hungry for attention. Your heart cares not for how people react to you, it knows that nothing can take away its freedom and love for your true nature, for the universal life force which runs through you. There is no longer a separation, you feel part of ALL of it, willing to let it all in. Rip off the masks which keep your true essence at a distance.
The world has been waiting for aeons for you to share your message, your truth. For you to claim your role as an authentic voice here to be the catalyst of radical transformation in yourself and others.
It has to start with you cracking open your own heart, having it overflow with the purity of the love that you are, the realization that you are not separate and to find the creative freedom of your voice. Be driven by truth, your heart and soul know exactly what to say and do.
It’s up to you which voice you listen to. Rip off the masks keeping you alone, and let love in.
To activate the ancient Sage that is within you, follow the path through the gateway and deep dive into gene key 12. Receive the energetic coding to ignite your own authenticity and purity of the heart.
To purchase the deep dive Consideration and powerful Activation of gate 12 Purity, click the button
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