Shine Like a diamond
You find comfort hiding in with the masses, where mediocrity is the norm; it provides your safety zone which defines if you’re too much or too little. The powers that be determine that you’re showing up just right, as they tell you to do.
Unless you find and own your authentic self-expression and are willing to speak out and what’s truly important to you, you will always stay behind the facade of illusionary safety. The world is ready for evolution, it can only come one person at a time taking self-responsibility, standing up and being heard for their truth.
Are you playing the role they dictated for you or creating your own?
Most people have an underlying fear of being seen as different, they do all they can to fit in. Only on the fringes of art and music may you find a constant liberation to be yourself. Whilst it is becoming more mainstream to freely express, this must be done in a manner so as not to ram it down someone else’s throat and make them wrong.
Where would humanity be if we simply let go of judgment and allowed people to be their real selves, living from their true nature? Most are terrified of ripping off the masks of pretence, being who they think they should. The vulnerability of being exposed is more than they can handle, Operating through crowd mentality calms their minds.
Your soul signature is dying to be heard. It’s time to start living.
If you can open your heart to life itself, your Tone of Truth will naturally develop without a care of what others think of you. How liberating would that be? You start radiating a new vivacity for life, your presence is felt when you walk in the room, people listen to your unique take, inspired by your wisdom.
Yet you can never be copied. Nor can you train another to be like you. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, or so they say. Without your impeccable high frequency of exquisiteness that shines the brilliance of the multifaceted diamond that you are, others will only ever remain faux copies.
Genius is uncertifiable.
Your life is a work of art. You’re here to create your own masterpiece. Digital copies may try to portray a likeness, yet there is nothing like experiencing the real deal. Otherwise what’s the point of queuing for the Mona Lisa?
Every single person on this earth has the opportunity and capacity to carve their attitude to life, to show up in reverence of their unique experience, and be willing to put the head above the parapet of mediocrity.
Only you can choose. No one else can tell you how to do it. Their judgment needs to be set aside if you are truly ready to be seen in all your brilliance. It is up to you to polish the facets of your frequency, wipe away the smears from others, they can only dirty your lens if you allow them.
It is indeed time to shine like a diamond.
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