Switch on your Magnetism
The dullness of your life is in direct correlation with your disconnect from your true nature in the world around you. Instead of mastering mindless voyeurism of the external world, you could tap into the fountain of life force pulsating through you and switch on your magnetism.
Numbing out through depression which arises from fear of an empty life justifies your resignation. Or else you keep yourself so busy and we’ll do anything to avoid the void. As adults we must relearn to find the beauty in nature and life all around us, just as we did as toddlers when playing in the sand, splashing in the mud.
Playing is a serious business.
It’s time to switch on your magnetism and vibrancy, to feel alive again and in tune with the pulsation of the earth. Rather than doing more, this is about slowing down and taking in all that is on offer to you on your doorstep. All that resides within you waiting to be discovered.
When we can find the key to igniting the flames within us, dullness naturally dissipates and we can once again ground ourselves in this reality without avoidance. It always starts with a decision. When will you decide enough is enough and switch your own lights back on again full beam?
You are here to radiate a vibrant level of magnetism to attract to you the forces you wish to use and the cooperation of other people. You open your heart with benevolence to all of humanity, especially where we may not like them or approve of their actions. Love is the only surefire way to create the frequency of change.
Get out of the cosy chair in the comfort of your mind which renders life dull. Venture into the void of your heart, the deepest well of emptiness that is filled with everything, the frequency of infinite possibilities. By allowing that resonance to naturally radiate from your being, people sense who you are before you even speak. You shift the energy as you walk into the room and people notice your vibe. They sense you have all your lights switched on, they become moths to the flame of your inner florescence and magnetism.
Embody the boundless energy of a happy dog.
Content just being, yet delighted when life shows up in the company of his owner or other wagging tails. They never tire of chasing the ball, of checking out the neighbourhood, of receiving pats, of saying hello to strangers. How can you adopt some of that natural magic and appreciation of all life has to offer, however repetitive?
No one can switch your inner light on other than you. Become the inspiration for others to do the same by radiating your essence as only you can. This world needs lots of bright lights right now, Dissipate the dullness and darkness, starting with yourself. Blossom your brilliance.
To start radiating your own magnetism, take a deep dive exploration through gene key 15 with Josephine and activate your coding of brilliance.
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