Mother’s Love

mothers love

Mother’s Love

The paradox of the Divine Feminine rising is that it will enter the world through men by the power of the Mother and Mothers Love. For it is she that will raise the future generation of a new breed of men. Humanity must start giving from the heart not trading value and service only from the perception of the mind.

We have been conditioned to only give something if we get something in return, and we have a hard time trusting that what we give out may come back to us in far greater ways than we can imagine.  Our minds must start serving our heart, led by our intuition, wisdom and inner knowing.

The frequencies of gene key 37, The Mother, are here to balance out the mind-driven functionality of most people. To remind us there is no need to be cruel to others, every person is no more no less than another, treat them with respect and in the manner you enjoy to be treated.

A mother’s love is an unconditional and selfless love that is unlike any other. It is a deep and intense affection that a mother has for her child, regardless of the child’s flaws and mistakes. This love manifests itself in many ways, such as providing comfort and support when the child is sad or hurt, celebrating the child’s achievements, and making sacrifices to ensure the child’s well-being. A mother’s love is a powerful force that can shape a child’s life and provide a source of strength and guidance throughout the child’s journey.

Every person carries the energies of the divine masculine and feminine regardless of gender, responsibility to maintain the balance within ourselves for both these energies. When young boys and adolescents are taught to treat girls and women equally, it lays the foundations for a far more stable and enjoyable future for all. It always starts within the home.


Turn weaknesses into strengths.

Mothers must learn not to run themselves into the ground to the point of exhaustion, To be able to ask for help, and not to play victim to their circumstances. Good mothers have the knack for turning weaknesses into strengths as they encourage their children to blossom and grow. The same energy of support can permeate communities, workplaces, schools or anywhere else where people gather together.

When we start operating with tenderness and consideration in our hearts, instead of being determined by what we can get, collective consciousness can really start to evolve. Synchronicity becomes the new glue to bond with another.

The journey always starts within. Bring into balance your own inner family and let that radiate through all your relationships. Be the example for the next generation, showing them respect and consideration, and to all people regardless of race, gender or creed.

It is time for humanity to consider the real currency of love in the world. Nothing beats a mother’s love.

To purchase the Deep Dive Consideration and Activation for Gene Key The Mother, click the button:

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