Author:Josephine Sorciere

illuminate the road ahead

Illuminate the road ahead

Enough with the love and light. It's time for powerful illumination. Where your inner radiance shines so strongly, it beams the focus on the areas of confusion and shadows you've been unwilling to admit. If only we could put the urgency of the mind aside, allow...

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The Leader

Lead without arrogance

This world sorely needs leadership from the heart and genuine service. Patriarchal systems are being broken down to dispel the arrogance that permeates through all levels of governance, whether that be in elected societies, corporations or the military-industrial complex. It’s time to lead without arrogance. The...

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Drink from life

You live such a busy life, yet with any moment spare, you fill it with a distraction, not willing to be alone with yourself. You were conditioned to always be thinking or doing, which means you're being productive; rarely were you taught the necessity of...

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The Evolutionist

Become The Evolutionist

Your restlessness in life is because you haven't been willing to cross the threshold into your true nature of expansion. Not one created from the mind, but one that blooms from your heart in resonance with who you really are. Yet most people have no...

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the dynamist

Become the Dynamist

Your natural response when provoked speaks volumes about the level of fear running through your veins. Until you master the stance of the warrior and emotional neutrality, you remain a sitting target to be knocked off your perch of indignance that you have every right...

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Switch on your Magnetism

The dullness of your life is in direct correlation with your disconnect from your true nature in the world around you. Instead of mastering mindless voyeurism of the external world, you could tap into the fountain of life force pulsating through you and switch on...

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gene key 12 purity

Rip off the masks

Your authentic self is unwilling to appear until you rip off the masks of vanity wedged so firmly on your psyche. You have the choice to continue living in the shallow boredom of your life or begin to dive deep within and reveal the treasures...

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Disrupt the Dominance

The only reason you tolerate the authority of others over your own dominion is your fear of insecurity of losing your position in the hierarchy. Who would you be to stand up to the system, to trust your own instincts over what someone in a...

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